Korean Amateur Radio League
Amateur Radio News/Events
  • IARU Region 3 conference in Bangkok Thailand (3~8 Nov 2024)

    In Bangkok Thailand, IARU R3 Conference happened between 3 and 8 November 2024. KARL delegates include president Dr. Choi HL4CFN participated and HL1IWD Dr. Lee was elected as Executive Committee member.

  • 2025 New Year meeting in HL0HQ building

    We have 2025 New Year meeting in Yongin city HL0HQ building with lots of nice foods.

  • KARL field day on Oct 20 2024 in Geumsan

    KARL field day will happen on Oct /20/ 2024 in Geumsan. 

    KARL prepare many interesting event include portable radio operation, DXCC card field check, CW class, FT-8 setting assistance and radio flea market.

    Registration fee is 20,000 KRW/person. This fee include lunch and gift.

    Very welcome for foreign hams participation.

  • 25th World Scout Jamboree radio station operation information for foreign hams

    All licensed foreign scout hams can operate special radio station "HL25WSJ" in Jamboree site without Korean radio license application.

    They can write their home callsign on registration book in radio station simply and can make CQ call!

  • Foreign Language Repeater in Seoul as of 10/2022


    ***Foreign Language Repeater in Seoul  

              Repeater transmits 439.960MHz and receives 434.960MHz with 88.5Hz tone. ​

              Only foreign languages can be spoken through this repeater.

              This repeater is connected to IRLP node 8282.


    ***Repeaters in and around Seoul  

              Seoul city(서울시);  Repeater 1 transmits 145.440MHz and receives 144.840MHz with 88.5Hz tone.

                                       Repeater 2 transmits 439.600MHz and receives 434.600MHz with 88.5Hz tone. 

                   Located on a 600m high hilltop in Seoul. Coverage is about 100km radius around

            Anyang city(안양시); Repeater transmits 439.560MHz and receives 434.560MHz with 88.5Hz tone.

                   Located on a 400m high mountain top. Coverage is about 70km radius around.

                   This one of the best repeater in Seoul area.​

              Incheon city(인천시); Repeater transmits 439.620MHz and receives 434.620MHz with 88.5Hz tone.

                    Located on a 200m high mountain top, 20Km west of Seoul city.​

            Songtan area(송탄, Pyeongtaek city near K55 airport); Repeater transmits 439.440MHz and receives 434.440MHz with 88.5Hz tone.

                   Located on a 100m high mountain top. Coverage is about 30km radius around.

              Ansan city(안산시); Repeater transmits 439.660MHz and receives 434.660MHz with 88.5Hz tone.

                    Located on a 20 story building top, 50Km south west of Seoul city.​


              Pyeongtaek city; Repeater transmits 439.400MHz and receives 434.400MHz with 88.5Hz tone. Located on a roof of a three story building

                   in the city.  Coverage is only downtown Pyeongtaek city. Mostly taxi drivers use this repeater. 

                  ***Out of service as of April, 2018​

              Yong-in city(용인시); Repeater transmits 145.200MHz and receives 145.800MHz with 88.5Hz tone.

                   Located on a 300m high mountain top near Yong-in University.

                   Coverage is about 100km radius around.


  • New Years Day Contest on January 1, every year

    Time: 00:00-24:00 KST All mode and all band can be used but 40m SSB and 2m FM are the most popular.

    Calling frequency on 2m band is 145.000MHz FM. 
            Message to exchange is RS(T) + KDN number
    KDN(Korean District Number) is in the 'Information' menu.
    All hams within Korea are welcomed to participate.
    To submit your log, contact HL0HQ@hanmail.net or call Ms.. Park at 02-575-9580. 

  • 4W/HL1AHS on the air from East Timor

    He is DXpeditioning in East Timor from 11/28 to 12/2/2018.

    He is active from 40-15 meter band.

  • Ham Swapmeet in Seoul, 10/2022 updated

    2nd Sunday Seoul, 20 tables, 서울 구로구 구로중앙로 197 구로기계공구상가 1동/16동 사이

                  5 minutes walk west(300m) from exit #3 Guro station of Subway line #1,

                  See the map below.

    This is the largest ham swapmeet in Korea. Started on 9/9/2018.

    Opens from 8AM till about noon every second Sunday.

    Free parking is available on Sundays.





  • IARU Region 3 Conference will be held in Seoul, Korea

    It will be held at PJ hotel in Seoul from 9/10-9/15/2018.  

    See http://iarur3conf2018.org/xe/ for detail.

  • Independence Day Contest on 8/15/2018

    Time: 8/15/2018  00:00-24:00 KST All mode and all band can be used but 40m SSB and 2m FM are the most popular.
    Message to exchange is RS(T) + KDN number
    KDN(Korean District Number) is in the 'Information' menu.
    All hams within Korea are welcomed to participate.
    To submit your log, contact HL0HQ@hanmail.net or call Ms. Park at 02-575-9580. 

  • FCC License test, posted 3/20/2018

                                                             2018년 FCC TEST 일정공고


    Date : 2018, Jun. 10 (Sunday)

    시간: 오전 9시 00분 

    Time : 09:00 am

    시험장소: 경기도 용인시 처인구 마평동 535-3번지 (연맹 신사옥) 

    Test Location : 535-3, Ma Pyung Dong, Yongin City ( KARL New B/D )


    접수마감 : 2018년 4월 20일  

    Application deadline : Apr. 20, 2018


    접수방법: 이메일 접수 ds2agh@daum.net 

    How to register : Email ds2agh@daum.net

    시험 응시료는 시험장 현장 수납 하며 오전 08시 50분 응시 마감.

    The exam fee will be collected at the test site at 08:50 am.


    General 또는 Extra 응시자는 오전 10시 00분 까지 오셔서 접수 하셔도 됩니다. 

    General or Extra candidates can arrive at 10:00 AM.

    ( 오전 10시 이후에는 접수를 받지 않습니다 )

    (We do not accept after 10:00 am)


    시험 중 어떠한 전자장비( 스마트폰, 및 기억장치가 내장된 전자기기) 를 소지할 수 없으며, 순수한 전자계산기는 소지 사용해도 무관 합니다.

    During the test, smart phone and any electronic device with built in memory will not be permitted to carry. You can use pure electronic calculator.

    필기구는 볼펜, 싸인펜, 연필등 사용 가능합니다.

    You can use any pens.


    접수내용 및 방법 : 제목란에 ( 홍길동 HL1AAA FCC 접수 ) 기입, 요청합니다.예) 까투리, 한라산백범, 시원한 아침, 등 닉네임으로 접수 불가합니다.


    이메일 접수 시 가능한, 응시자 성명과 호출부호를 제목 란에 기입해 주시기 바랍니다. 

    Please fill the subject line with the candidate's name and call sign if you have.

    ( 2015년 부터 단체접수 불가, 개인별 접수 만 가능합니다. )

    (Groups can not be accepted from 2015, only individual acceptance is possible.)


    1. 응시자 이름 : 예) 홍 길 동 Hong, Gil-Dong

        Candidate Name: Ex) Aves Kang 


    2. 한국호출부호 : 예) HL1AAA (호출부호 없으신 분 미 기재, 이름만 기재)

        Korea callsign : ex) HL1AAA (if you do not have Korean callsign, please make empty)


    3. 미국호출부호 : General, Extra 응시자에 한함. 

        American callsign: General, Extra Candidates only.

       A. (시험당일 기존 면허증사본을 반드시 VE 에게 제출 하여야 합니다) 

          (You must submit a copy of your existing license to VE on the day of the test) 

       B. 기존 면허를 접수와 동시에 jpg 파일로 보내주기, 바랍니다.

           Please send your existing license as jpg file through email.

       C. JPG 파일로 보내주신 것은 단지 급수확인을 위함입니다. 

           The file you send as JPG is just for verification.

       D. 반드시 시험당일 복사 본을 V/E에게 제출 바랍니다.

            Be sure to submit a copy of license at test day to VE.

       E. 만약 기존면허의 사본을 제출하지 않으면 시험 응시 불가합니다. 

            If you do not submit a copy of your existing license,  you will not be able to           take the exam.

       F. 3번 항목은 처음 응시자는 해당사항 없습니다.

            Item 3 does not apply to the first candidate.


    4. 응시하고자 하는 급수 (Technician, General, Extra) 급 중 하나 선택. 

        Choose one of the license(Technician, General, Extra).

        한국면허와 달리 처음 응시자인 경우 반드시Technician 급부터 합격하여야 상위 급 응시자격이 

       주어지며, 즉 처음부터 General 또는 Extra 급을 응시 할 수 없습니다. 

        Unlike Korean licenses, applicants must first pass the Technician    

        exam then you are entitled to higher license test, ie you can not take     

        General or Extra classes from the beginning


                                      ??? : 응시 급수 및 응시조건


       ※ : 처음 응시자는 무조건 Technician급 부터 응시 해야만 합니다.

             만약 Technician급 에 합격한자는 바로 추가 응시료 없이 General 급

             클래스에 응시 할 수 있습니다.

             역시 General,급  합격한자는 즉시 추가 응시료 없이 Extra 급에 응시가능 합니다.


    5. 이메일 및 주소와 전화번호 (반드시 기입 요망)

        Email , address and phone number (must fill out)


    6. 합격 후 면허를 받을 수 있는 미국주소 미국령 하와이, 괌, 등 관계없습니다.  (주소 반드시 있어야 하며, 미국주소        

       가 없 으면 시험 응시 불가합니다). FCC VE Seoul Team 은 미국 주소를 제공할 의무가 없음을 알려드립니다.

        After passing, you can get a license in US address (Hawaii, Guam and Saipan are also OK). (You must have an US address. If you do not have an US address, you can not take the exam.) The FCC VE Seoul Team are not obligated to provide US addresses.

        Ex) Hong Kil Dong

        9618, Falcon Valley Street Lenexa, OH 66220, USA 


    7. 응시료: 미화 15불 (한화 는 절대 불가 합니다) 

        Fee : USD 15 (Korean Money is never allowed)


    올해의 VE 시험관: AH2Y (HL1IWD 이성기), N9AGH (DS2AGH 강호준)

    AA5LW (HL1LW 조문호), KC2HL (HL2AKB 함영만)


    VE examiner : AH2Y (HL1IWD), N9AGH (DS2AGH Aves Kang)

    AA5LW (HL1LW Cho ), KC2HL (HL2AKB Ham)


     이메일 접수 후 접수확인 여부를 이메일로 답장을 보내드리며, 접수 후 

     일주일이 지나도 답장을 받지 못하신 분은 유선 연락 바랍니다. 

     After receiving the e-mail application, we will reply by e-mail to confirm registration.

     If you do not receive a reply within a week, please contact us by land line.

     N9AGH FCC/VE 강호준 (010)5325-5973 (031)989-5973 

    가능한 문자로 연락 주시기 바랍니다.

    Please contact us by text message


    시험 당일 접수는 불가하며, 재시험도 없음을 알려 드립니다.

    It is not possible to accept registration on the day of the test.

    시험 방법은 2017년과 동일합니다.

    The test method is the same as 2017.


    문제집은 http://www.arrl.org/question-pools 에서 다운로드 받으실 수 있습니다. 100 % 문제집에서 출제됩니다. 

    The workbook can be downloaded from http://www.arrl.org/question-pools. 100% it will be issued in the question pools                


                     FCC VE SEOUL TEAM 2018. Jan. 17 


  • VA7YM DXpedition to Solomon Is. 2/24-3/16

    VA7YM Mr. Min in Vancouver, Canada will be on the air in Solomon and Temotu island in south pacific

    from 2/24-3/16/2018.

  • Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018 AWARD 2/13/2018

    For detail please see the 'Award Program'  https://www.karl.or.kr/eng/01/01.php

  • New Regulations, Permit for foreigners 2/13/2018

    Regulations regarding permit issue have been revised as of February, 2018.
    All foreigners except Japanese will be issued permits for three months and can be extended for another three months.
      Korea has a reciprocal agreement only with Japan since 1992.
    So, Japanese amateurs are eligible for a five-year permit as before.

    Now we are working on reciprocal agreement with United States.

    Once you apply it takes about 2 weeks to issue a permit because we have to go through our government.

    For detail, See Permit Application menu.

  • 2017 KARL ARDF Annual Contest

    Date: June 10, 2017, 9AM -
    Place: Sungnam elementary school in Chun-an city(충남 천안시 동남구 성남면 대흥신덕길 95)
    If you want to run at the competition please call 02-575-9580 and ask for Angela Park.
    Deadline for registration is June 8, 2017.
  • 2017 FCC license test was coducted on May 21, 2017 at the new KARL building in Yongin city.

    Out of 17 applicants, 16 passed the test(10 technician, 3 General, 3 Extra).
    VEs were HL1IWD, HL2AKB, HL1LW, DS2AGH, HL1ZCQ and KH6HQ. .
  • KARL moved to a new location in March, 2017

    Korean Amateur Radio League
    KARL Building 2F, 1584 Jungbu-daero, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-city,
    Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Zip17144
    Phone number is the same as before. 
  • 2017 FCC License Test in Korea

    Date: May 21, 2017 9AM
    Place: New KARL office building in Gyeonggi-do, Yongin city
    Apply to ds2agh@daum.net
    Application deadline: March 30, 2017
    Application fee:$15USD payable at the exam site on the day
    For detail, email to HL1FB yonglee (at) yonsei (dot) ac (dot) kr
    Or see http://www.karl.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=comm_1&wr_id=137837

           Koreans hams take this test because US does not have reciprocal ham license agreement with Korea.
    Korea accepts any foreign ham license and issues permits to operate in Korea.
    But to operate a ham station in US, Koreans should pass FCC test. 


    Korean citizens should pass Korean amateur radio license test, not FCC test to operate a ham station in Korea. 
           http://foreigner.karl.or.kr/index.php?mid=Information&document_srl=64288 has more infos. 

  • All foreign hams applying for Korean permit can use their non-Korean type approved equipments

    without inspection within a period of one months(one month permit).
    This is an addition to the existing radio regulation and it is effective from July 1, 2016.
    To get a Korean permit of five years, non-Korean type approved equipments have to be station
    inspected as before(five year permit).
    Foreign hams can choose to apply for one month permit or five year permit.
    See 'Permit Application' menu for detail.