Call signs for foreign hams in Korea
NAME HL1FB DATE18-01-09 09:45 VIEW4,180TIME COMMENT0link
Foreign amateurs may choose either Korean call sign or HL*/home call sign when applying for a Korean permit.
If chosen, Korean call sign will be issued such as HL1Z**. The number in the middle will be from 1 to 5
depending on applicant's addess in Korea.
Many foreign amateurs prefer Korean call sign because it is short and more convenient when operating CW as well as voice.(Recently only Japanese radio operator can get HL1Z** callsign.sep/10/2024)
Choosing Korean call sign is recommended rather than HL#/home call sign because most Korean hams do not understand the HL#/home call sign. Thus he may be contantly asked about the call sign.
If a ham moves to other area, he has to apply to change area number in his call sign. For example if HL1ZAA in Seoul moves to area 2 he has to apply to change to HL2ZAA.
Or he visits 5 area he can use HL1ZAA/5( pronounced as 'mobile 5' when in a car or 'portable 5' when not in a car) while in 5 area.
Area 1 : Seoul
Area 2 : Gyeonggi-do & Gangwon-do
Area 3 : Chungchungbuk-do & Chungchungnam-do
Area 4 : Jeollabuk-do & Jeollanam-do & Jeju-do
Area 5 : Gyeongsangbuk-do & Gyeongsangnam-do
If a station issued with HL1/WW6N ( pronounced as 'HL1 stroke WW6N' ) moves to 5 area he can apply to change his call sign to HL5/WW6N.
Or he visits 5 area he can use HL1/WW6N/5( pronounced as 'mobile 5' when in a car or 'portable 5' when not in a car).
***Specific call sign requests were never accepted by our government.***